The ancient art of propelling an arrow with a bow
There are several forms of Archery practiced, SQAS focuses on Target Archery for all ages and skill levels from the weekend flinger to the serious competitors focussed on the World stage
Archery within SQAS includes Target, Indoor, Field, Clout and Flight disciplines using Recurve, Compound and Longbows
toxophilite or addicted to Archery?
A Toxophilite is a common term describing someone who has a pasion for or is an expert in Archery
Target Archery
Target archery is the most popular form of archery, in which Archers shoot at stationary targets at varying distances.
All types of bows are used – Recurve, Compound and Longbow.
Indoor archery, where Archers shoot at small targets at both 18m and 25 m distances.
All types of bows are used – Recurve, Compound and Longbow
Field archery involves shooting at targets of varying size and distance, often in bush and rough terrain.
All types of bows are used – Recurve, Compound and Longbow.
Clout is a form of archery in which archers shoot arrows at a flag (known as “the Clout”) from a relatively long distance and score points depending on how close each arrow lands to the flag
All types of bows are used – Recurve, Compound and Longbow.
Flight Archery is aimed at determing how far an Archer can shoot an Arrow.
All types of bows are used – Recurve, Compound and Longbow.