State and National Events 2025

 WhenWhatWhere Info
15th March SQAS Short Range ChampionshipsSamford Valley Target ArchersDetails
16th MarchSQAS Clout ChampionshipsMount Petrie BowmenDetails
30th March SQAS Youth Development DayCentenary Archery ClubDetails
17th & 18th May SQAS Field ChampionshipsLismore City ArchersDetails
14th & 15th JuneSQAS Target ChampionshipsSamford Valley Target ArchersTBA
5th & 6th JulyNational & SQAS Indoor ChampionshipsMount Petrie BowmenTBA
23rd & 24th August2025 AQ
Queensland Target Archery Championships
Samford Valley Target ArchersTBA
20th OctoberSQAS Matchplay Open Championship and SQAS Awards AfternoonSamford Valley Target ArchersTBA


Club Events

23rd MarTarget QRESunshine Coast Archery ClubDetails
29th MarTarget QREMount Petrie BowmenDetails
2nd Apr Indoor QRE Samford Valley Target ArchersDetails
6th AprSQAS Field QRE & Silver Arrow #1SQAS Field Course at BelmontDetails
12th Apr Indoor QRE Samford Valley Target ArchersDetails
15th AprIndoor QRE Mount Petrie BowmenDetails
27th Apr Target QRESunshine Coast Archery ClubDetails
7th May Indoor QRE Samford Valley Target ArchersDetails
10th May Indoor QRE Samford Valley Target ArchersDetails
20th MayIndoor QRE Mount Petrie BowmenDetails
25th May Target QRESunshine Coast Archery ClubDetails
31st May Target QREMount Petrie BowmenDetails
5th June Indoor QRE Samford Valley Target ArchersDetails
17th June Indoor QRE Mount Petrie BowmenDetails
3rd July Indoor QRE Samford Valley Target ArchersDetails
15th July Indoor QRE Mount Petrie BowmenDetails
9th Aug Indoor QRE Samford Valley Target ArchersDetails