Silver Arrow

Silver Arrow 2023 Results

TargetRound 1Round 2Round 3
IndoorRound 1Round 2Round 3
CloutRound 1Round 2Round 3
FieldRound 1Round 2

Silver Arrow 2022 Results

TargetRound 1Round 2Round 3
IndoorRound 1Round 2Round 3
CloutRound 1
FieldRound 1


Silver Arrow Guidelines


Silver Arrow Tournaments had their origin in the early 1950’s – Target only – with an annual event between two clubs – Wynnum and Grange – for a special Arrow Trophy – handmade by Mr Rhys Williams (same trophy as the one still being contested today for the S.A. Target event – Recurve Teams).

1956: The Long and Short Silver Arrow rounds were devised for men and women shooters respectively – and 2 x S.A. tournaments were held per year – increasing in 1964 to 4 per year.

1970: 4 x S.A. Field tournaments per year were added.
1971: 4 X S.A. Clout tournaments per year were added
1978: 6 x S.A. Indoor postal tournaments per year were introduced

1979 to 1991: This format remained until the end of 1989, and in 1990 a reduced program was trialled to two per year in Target, Field and Clout events. In 1991 this changed again to 3 x tournaments per year and remained with this format until the end of 1994.

1992 Separate recurve and compound teams were substituted in the Target and Indoor for the
previous composite recurve and compound teams, but the composite team structure was retained for both the Field and Clout events.

1995 The format of the S.A. itinerary changed again to:
(i) 3 x tournaments per year for each of Target, Field, Clout
(ii) 1 x tournament per event for each 4 months of the year
(iii) Events of the third four-month period hosted as inter-club face to face tournaments, while those of the first and second four-month periods were conducted as inter-club postals.
(iv) At the 1995 AGM it was decided to conduct all the Target and Clout events as inter club face to face tournaments within each district or zone. This was re-affirmed as the format for 1997.

1999 The number of Target, Field and Clout events was reduced again from three to two per year each. The Target and Clout to be shot face to face within each zone, and the Field to be shot face to face at the Tom Petrie Course, Belmont.

2001 The Target, Field and Clout events increased again to three per year each, with the Postal Indoor remaining at 6 per year. The first two Target events were shot face to face within each zone and the last one for the year shot face to face by everyone.

2002 The Target and Clout events to be shot either in zones or postally on the nominated dates.

2005 The Indoor events were changed to Australian Indoor 1 and 2. The Field event was changed to the Marked National round with the final event being held in the Central Zone for all clubs.

2006 The Field event was changed to a Marked 24 Target FITA Field Round, and clarified the use of the Indoor score for FITA qualification purposes.

2008 The Target and Clout events may be postally by Clubs or in Zones at any time during the nominated month (i.e. no specific day in the month stipulated to assist clubs scheduling their respective club calendars.

2013 The Indoor Round was changed to the FITA 18m and 25m Rounds (inner 10 for Compound archers).

2014 As a trial in 2014 the round for the first Silver Arrow Target event was changed to a 90 arrow round based on the WA60/900 Round. The number of Indoor events was reduced to three/year.

2015 The trial round for the first Silver Arrow Target event in 2014 was not adopted and therefore
all three Silver Arrow Target events remain as the Silver Arrow Round`

2017 Commencing in 2018, the Silver Arrow Target event will change to a Double 720 round for
all three Silver Arrow Target events held during the year.