RGB Youth Team Nomination SQAS 2025 Youth Nationals Team Nomination SQAS would like to invite interested archers in nominating for a position on the RGB team at the 2025 Youth Nationals to be held in Canberra in April I wish to be considered for a place on the SQAS RGB team for the 2024 National Target ChampionshipsCompoundRecurveBarebow Name*FirstLast Archers Phone (or parents)* Email* I confirm that I have registered for the above event for the 900 round, marked field and 720 round.*Yes 'SQAS will provide one Team Shirt in either long or short sleeve. Please indicate your preference.' (Refer to https://archerysqas.org.au/sqas-uniform/) Please check your size to the chart, (don't just use the size you usually wear). Shirts will be ordered as per your nominated size. No refunds or exchanges will be possible if incorrect size is ordered. My shirt size is* sleveve length*Long SleeveShort Sleeve I wish to purchase an addtional shirt*Yes No additional shirt sleeve length*Long SleeveShort Sleeve Team members shall agree to wear the SQAS uniform (as designated by the SQAS Management Committee) (Currently SQAS TEAM shirt provided and BLACK BOTTOMS) for the Official Opening Ceremony, team photographs, and medal presentations and on any other appropriate occasions as requested by the Team Manager. During competition team members may wear appropriate clothing of their choice, including that of sponsors. During competition, it is desirable for team members to wear the SQAS shirt, as it will assist the Team Manager in identifying and locating SQAS archers quickly.*I agree I will abide by the Archer’s Code of Conduct during the competition.*I agree I will follow any instructions given by the event organisers, judges and the Team Management during the Nationals.*I agree I am over the age of 18NoYes Parent/Guardian Name* Parent/Guardian Email address Parents PhoneSubmitReset