Life Members

Life Membership awarded to Brian Hagaman and Keith Manssen

Congratulations to both Brian and Keith on Life Membership from all SQAS Archers and supporters

Brian has been a continuous member of SQAS since 1999 during which time he has provided support for SQAS through his election to the SQAS Management Committee in the Secretarial role in 2003 and then presided as SQAS President from 2005 until 2013.

Some of Brian’s highlights are:
He leads by example through attendance at as many SQAS working bees as possible to ensure that the SQAS equipment and Field Range are at their best;
He is an National Judge (2 years) and judges many SQAS events;
He has been an archery instructor since 2003 and is now a Club Coach
He has been the President of Samford Valley Target Archers (formerly Grange Company of Target Archers) since 2005
He currently hold the role of Coaching Coordinator and Communications Officer for SQAS
He was involved in the organisation of the 2003, 2004, 2010 and 2011 National Championships hosted in Brisbane
In 2004 he Chaired the organisating committee of the National Championships
In 2008 and 2013 Brian was part of the organising committee for the National Youth Championships
He has been on the Board of Archery Australia since 2008 and was elected President in 2012
He has been a driving force for the establishment of Archery Queensland and continues to be a strong advocate and advisor to Archery Queensland
Together with Keith Manssen has been a driving force during the negotiation for and re-development of the SQAS Field Range in 2013.

Brian has a strong moral and corporate governance compass which he has used to great effect to lead the SQAS Management Committee for 8 years and enhance the profile of archery in South Queensland.


Samford Valley Target Archers nominates Keith Manssen for Life Membership of SQAS.

Keith’s archery career spans over 20 years as a member of SQAS.  He started with HBA and was even a member of MPB at one time. During his archery career he has been an active participant in many interclub tournaments and championships.

He has served his club HBA and also SQAS by coaching members for over 20 years initially as an archery instructor and then as a club coach, and more recently as SQAS Regional Coach.

He has served his club as President for the last 15 years and before this was Vice-President.
Keith is has been a National Judge for the last 5 years and currently regularly assists by officiating at SQAS events.

Keith is Chairman of the SQAS Field Committee and has been responsible for leading the redesign, the negotiations with QRA for, and the re- construction of the SQAS field course at Belmont. This has been a major undertaking that has needed drive and determination to achieve the fantastic outcome that has secured field archery in SQAS for the long term. The magnitude of this task should not be underestimated; Keith has spent many hours at many working bees with his sleeves rolled up and directing the volunteers. He has taken time off work and made a large personal commitment to achieve the successful outcome. We owe Keith a great deal for the fantastic field course we have today.

Keith has also been serving SQAS as Vice President for the last 2 years.
Keith has been very passionate in assisting our youth archers, coaching them at many youth development camps and taking time off work to be there with them at recent Youth Nationals. Working with the SQAS Youth Development Officer and the SQAS Team Manager for the 2013 Youth Nationals, Keith has helped to establish a sound foundation for our juniors for the future.